I'm KK. I LOVE Vintage, and all things Kitch. Recently I've been diagnosed with a life changing illness and have had to embrace losing weight for life. I'm a Wife, Mother and Friend. I'm on a journey to a new Me ... Coming?
Friday, 23 August 2013
19 lbs to next target ...
I know I said I wouldn't check in until I had lost another 30 lbs and I won't post a pic until I have ... BUT I wanted to share that I have dropped 2 back sizes ... Whooo Hooo!!!
Sunday, 4 August 2013
After the Break ...
Been FOR AGES!!! I'll explain. I've had a wake up call in the form of Scoriatic Arthritis ... Not good, debilitating. So ... I'm on my way to losing the best part of 90 pounds. I'm 30 down with another 60 to go.
So this was me 30lbs ago
And this is me now, a third of the way there
So how have I done it? I've given myself permission to be worth more, in effect to have a complete mental shift. I was an emotional eater. Once I identified that AND owned it I knew I had the power to control it.
I also knew I had been told by a well meaning if horrendously misguided Grandmother and Great Grandmother that I had a weight problem from about 6/7 years old 'You'd be so Bonny if you just lost that weight' replaced by 'When are you losing this weight, come on, for me' Both of which made me eat for comfort to stop the tears and the hurt. I didn't have a weight issue at the time, I was well built but certainly not fat, however by the time I was in my Teens I had a well developed weight problem thanks to their intervention.
That stayed with me until I let it go 4 years ago. It has taken me this long to expunge the hurt from those repeated words and to no longer 'need it' ... anyone with a weight issue will get the whole 'needing the excuse' thing. I decided I'm better than that and deserve more.
I researched the tools I needed to succeed and STAY successful. I've sorted out my current Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR and created a series of menus to keep my Totally Daily Expenditure or TDEE above nutritional deprivation but below excess calories, which is a fine line. I of course add in the exercise I do which is 40 minutes of intense swimming 5 days a week and make the allowances for that in the TDEE.
In line with current thinking My exercise level will be upped to include 30 minutes of low impact high exertion gym work 3 times a week when I expect to hit plateau at about 30 lbs to go. I'm not taking diet shakes, or food replacement or any kind of slimming club, many of which don't show any kind of long term weight loss success. I have however totally changed my lifestyle and more importantly my entire mindset. Truly, it's hard work.
It takes a supreme amount of effort to ignore the internal me jumping up and down begging for sweet treats to 'make it all better'. But I've noticed there is a louder voice which is the voice of my internal fitness coach. Their voice booms and has made me both teetotal and very aware of not eating pap as both are totally counterproductive. I've cut out aspartame, processed food and cut my sugar intake by 90%, all of which has been tough, there have been tears and there have been moments when I wanted to give up, I realised I'm stronger than that.
This is not a diet, it is a new way of life. It is NOT for everyone, it takes continual mindfulness and a body awareness I didn't know I had - It takes daily commitment.
Our whole family has made the shift, we walk much more, we eat less and better, we spend more time doing family activities which include exercise instead of food, we've replaced going for a fun picnic with going to play a fun game of Cricket and a picnic. My partner who is doing as well as I am has found the same mental shift taking place and is amazed at how intense the feeling of satisfaction is knowing you're strong enough to choose not to fail.
I'll check when I'm another 301bs down!
So this was me 30lbs ago
And this is me now, a third of the way there
So how have I done it? I've given myself permission to be worth more, in effect to have a complete mental shift. I was an emotional eater. Once I identified that AND owned it I knew I had the power to control it.
I also knew I had been told by a well meaning if horrendously misguided Grandmother and Great Grandmother that I had a weight problem from about 6/7 years old 'You'd be so Bonny if you just lost that weight' replaced by 'When are you losing this weight, come on, for me' Both of which made me eat for comfort to stop the tears and the hurt. I didn't have a weight issue at the time, I was well built but certainly not fat, however by the time I was in my Teens I had a well developed weight problem thanks to their intervention.
That stayed with me until I let it go 4 years ago. It has taken me this long to expunge the hurt from those repeated words and to no longer 'need it' ... anyone with a weight issue will get the whole 'needing the excuse' thing. I decided I'm better than that and deserve more.
I researched the tools I needed to succeed and STAY successful. I've sorted out my current Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR and created a series of menus to keep my Totally Daily Expenditure or TDEE above nutritional deprivation but below excess calories, which is a fine line. I of course add in the exercise I do which is 40 minutes of intense swimming 5 days a week and make the allowances for that in the TDEE.
In line with current thinking My exercise level will be upped to include 30 minutes of low impact high exertion gym work 3 times a week when I expect to hit plateau at about 30 lbs to go. I'm not taking diet shakes, or food replacement or any kind of slimming club, many of which don't show any kind of long term weight loss success. I have however totally changed my lifestyle and more importantly my entire mindset. Truly, it's hard work.
It takes a supreme amount of effort to ignore the internal me jumping up and down begging for sweet treats to 'make it all better'. But I've noticed there is a louder voice which is the voice of my internal fitness coach. Their voice booms and has made me both teetotal and very aware of not eating pap as both are totally counterproductive. I've cut out aspartame, processed food and cut my sugar intake by 90%, all of which has been tough, there have been tears and there have been moments when I wanted to give up, I realised I'm stronger than that.
This is not a diet, it is a new way of life. It is NOT for everyone, it takes continual mindfulness and a body awareness I didn't know I had - It takes daily commitment.
Our whole family has made the shift, we walk much more, we eat less and better, we spend more time doing family activities which include exercise instead of food, we've replaced going for a fun picnic with going to play a fun game of Cricket and a picnic. My partner who is doing as well as I am has found the same mental shift taking place and is amazed at how intense the feeling of satisfaction is knowing you're strong enough to choose not to fail.
I'll check when I'm another 301bs down!
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Been a hiatus!
Back after an extending period of making, I FINALLY have the pictures I promised you weeeks ago! All these pieces are availalable at out Etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/BessandRoseVintage
This is a GORGEOUS Protective charms bracelet
Beautiful Vintage rose Brooch
Stunning Tribal choker
Pierced Buttons Pendant!
Fantastic Felt Wool Flowers on Ebay!
There is loads more on Etsy :)
There will be some gorgeous rings coming soon.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Shiny Things ...
What a productive week! Lots of beautiful shiny things have been made. Photo's soon to follow :)
Friday, 24 May 2013
Something For The Weekend ...
So here I am 33 years old and about to undergo a mahoosive personal change. Oh yes folks, I'm going to have to learn to look fetching in crutches :/
OK so an explanation. Basically I have some weird form of Arthritis which is fairly aggressive and renders one nicely immobile for long periods. Marvellous. Any-way. It has meant a couple of radical changes. One of which is ... DUM DUM DUMMMMMM Diet. Oh yes folks the girl has had to curb her food intake. This has NOT made me a happy bunny let me tell you! Still I'm managing. I already can't 'do' Dairy or chocolate and have large quantities of veg and fruit in my diet so not too bad. But still I need to knock my KCAL consumption down a bit to ensure my lack of mobility does not mean I end up resembling my house.
My diet currently involves lots of fruit, coffee and veg soup (made from actual veg) with a sprinkling of white meat, fish and the odd slice of seed bread. Yeah see the bad boy among that lot??? COFFEEEEEE I tell you now if ANYONE, even my BEAUTIFUL Wife, tries to get between me and my Java in the morning - I am likely to leave entrails in my wake. It is currently the ONLY reason I get up in the morning. I get up I get Coffee the world is a shiny place. So I know I should be drinking water. Meh Coffee HAS water. It's like its main component! So yeah, I admit it - Coffee is currently my main saviour against a fairly banal diet.
For example
Breakfast: 1 slice of Seed bread toasted with Sugar free jam and vitalite. 1 apple and COFFEE
elevensies: 1 cereal bar and COFFEE
Lunch: Veg soup
Afternoon snack: 1 apple and COFFEE
Dinner: chicken or fish or quorn mince bolognaise
with either
veg and a small jacket or cheese free cauli cheese or salad or 50g whole wheat pasta
Supper: 'Ice cream' basically 1/2 cup frozen fresh fruit whizzed up with 1/4 cup 0% fat Greek style goat yogurt.
and it is the same EVERY DAY ...
We're a week in so far and coping OK. Although I do have to admit I bought a Reese's Giant Peanut Cup in the sweet shop today (took the kids in, it was not a dieters S&M visit lol). It is now in the fridge 'lurking' I know that if I eat it several things will happen. It will:
A) open the flood gates to a world of chocolate I have so far managed to ignore, knowing it makes me ill - I was I think actually addicted.
B) cause a whole world of hurt
C) make me feel like shite
D) give me an excuse to have a weekend binge.
NONE OF WHICH ARE GOOD. So in the fridge it will stay until I can manage to square chucking 75p in the bin ... hopefully. We'll see how it goes!
OK so an explanation. Basically I have some weird form of Arthritis which is fairly aggressive and renders one nicely immobile for long periods. Marvellous. Any-way. It has meant a couple of radical changes. One of which is ... DUM DUM DUMMMMMM Diet. Oh yes folks the girl has had to curb her food intake. This has NOT made me a happy bunny let me tell you! Still I'm managing. I already can't 'do' Dairy or chocolate and have large quantities of veg and fruit in my diet so not too bad. But still I need to knock my KCAL consumption down a bit to ensure my lack of mobility does not mean I end up resembling my house.
My diet currently involves lots of fruit, coffee and veg soup (made from actual veg) with a sprinkling of white meat, fish and the odd slice of seed bread. Yeah see the bad boy among that lot??? COFFEEEEEE I tell you now if ANYONE, even my BEAUTIFUL Wife, tries to get between me and my Java in the morning - I am likely to leave entrails in my wake. It is currently the ONLY reason I get up in the morning. I get up I get Coffee the world is a shiny place. So I know I should be drinking water. Meh Coffee HAS water. It's like its main component! So yeah, I admit it - Coffee is currently my main saviour against a fairly banal diet.
For example
Breakfast: 1 slice of Seed bread toasted with Sugar free jam and vitalite. 1 apple and COFFEE
elevensies: 1 cereal bar and COFFEE
Lunch: Veg soup
Afternoon snack: 1 apple and COFFEE
Dinner: chicken or fish or quorn mince bolognaise
with either
veg and a small jacket or cheese free cauli cheese or salad or 50g whole wheat pasta
Supper: 'Ice cream' basically 1/2 cup frozen fresh fruit whizzed up with 1/4 cup 0% fat Greek style goat yogurt.
and it is the same EVERY DAY ...
We're a week in so far and coping OK. Although I do have to admit I bought a Reese's Giant Peanut Cup in the sweet shop today (took the kids in, it was not a dieters S&M visit lol). It is now in the fridge 'lurking' I know that if I eat it several things will happen. It will:
A) open the flood gates to a world of chocolate I have so far managed to ignore, knowing it makes me ill - I was I think actually addicted.
B) cause a whole world of hurt
C) make me feel like shite
D) give me an excuse to have a weekend binge.
NONE OF WHICH ARE GOOD. So in the fridge it will stay until I can manage to square chucking 75p in the bin ... hopefully. We'll see how it goes!
Friday, 3 May 2013
Well Well Well ...
Harrumph ... Only yesterday I was declaring the Summer was at last here ... And today there is nothing but CLOUD!!! I hang my head as I take FULL responsibility for this lack of yellow orbness ... HOWEVER The lovely weather lady said to me personally from my telly this morning that the Bank Holiday Weekend (note the caps!) will be FUN IN THE SUN!!! Whoo hoo! My plans for today include some nice playing with pretty fabrics. I have a blind to finish off for my fantasticly Cottagish kitchen and some patchwork curtans to make for my dining room ... I have a couple of bow and buttony bits to finish too so I will be all kinds of creative happy today! Here are some pictures of my lovely cottagey kitchen for you to oooo over :)
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Good Morning World!
I have to say it ... I'm gonna say it ... There is SUN!!! How depressing has this LOOOONG Winter been? I feel like it has been forever. Still the sun is out now, I have repainted my toes - in Vintage Blue OF COURSE and got out my oh so comfy, and just a bit cute Sandals. I have even donned my lightweight Summer palazzo's I know! Amazing!
A couple of things have changed since my last post - which was like a million years ago. First off I have gone red, not auburn or ginger, or in fact subtle in any shape or form, but RED. I love it! I always seem to be drawn to black in Winter and Red in summer. Although I was 'natural' for all Winter because my hair had just gone to total frizz so I thought I should give it a break, and it has thanked me for it by being bounteous in red curls!
I am now in the 'Wholesome' stage of my Make-up year. Gone is the flawless perfectly based skin, so are the dark liner swept eyes and sultry black cherry lips of Winter to be replaced with a lighter and more natural look for Summer. I am a larger lady and I tend to 'perspire' and ladies, let me tell you - there is NOTHING that makes you feel less sexy than mopping your brow, looking in the mirror and realising you have a stripe of your natural skin tone across your otherwise perfectly based forehead ... yeah not good! So I find embracing my natural skin in the sun is the way to go. However this is not as laissez-faire as it sounds ... it takes WORK people and this is how it happens.
So usually I start around start of March, but this year I bumped it to April because of the hideousness that was the weather. So this year the first of April I started my prep. For my face I use Sanctuary Hot Cloth Cleanser. I do it two times each time I use it, and I don't use the cloth they give you, I use a thick fluffy flannel which stay hotter for longer. I do that twice a week until I start wearing no make-up, I then do it 3 times a week, in the shower is fine. On my body I use my Botanics body brush, which is a lovely size, in upwards strokes to buff the skin, I try to do this every day but it is usually every other day. I then use Boots shea butter mousse , it is very very light, but gives a lovely soft finish to your skin. I finish it off with a quick squizz with a body balm, my favourite is Spa Paradisa Passionfruit Body Balm, it has a bit of luminous sheen action going on which I love.
When it comes to going bare faced, you have to be honest with yourself. This starts with taking a real good look at your skin. I have some eczema on my forehead which annoys me greatly, it clears up on its own usually about the 3rd week of good sunny weather but it still bugs the heck out of me as it leaves a red patch. Of course wearing make-up makes it a whole lot worse, but there you go! So I start with this. I rub a small amount of Raw coconut oil on the eczema (this works for all dry skin). I do this at night before I go to bed. You need a teeny tiny bit because it goes a long way, it clears it up and keeps it gone within about a week. For any tone changes, so that is redness for me, under my chin and on my forehead and nose, I use a little bio oil morning and night. On top of that I use a blob of PF40 (I don't tan, I redden!) mixed with Botanics oil free moisturiser, this is so silky and smooth and glides on beautifully, it sinks in really quickly too. This moisturiser is great to prevents spots - I have quite prone skin - but if your skin is dry I wouldn't really recommend it on its own as it's not that moisturising. As part of this routine it works fabulously though even on dry skin. So that is 'maintenance' I do that every day throughout Summer and it makes my skin clear, even and beautiful - why don't I do it in Winter? Erm because I can get away with not lol! I really like pampering myself in Summer, in Winter it feels more of a chore.
After I have done 'the basics' I move on to the scant make-up I wear in Summer. I still pay attention to my brows which is detailed in an earlier post. I like a good quality Waterproof Mascara, I like Rimmel Waterproof elongated lashes Mascara as it is a good deep colour whilst not being claggy which is a tricky ask from a waterproof .
I have a little discolouration on my eyelids which bothers me so a minimise this with a teeny blob of Rimmel perfect match concealer mixed with a tiny blob of moisturiser.I dab it on my eyelids and blend with my finger until it disappears. it is barely there but it is just enough to take down the slight browning on my eyelids. I dab on a little bit of No 7 Gel blush in Rose to the apple of my cheeks and add a slick of Carmex Pearl lip balm to add a bit of pale shimmer. To ramp it up a bit, all I do is add a sweep of Ruby and Milly peacock green shimmer eye shadow to my top and lower lids and add another couple of coats of Mascara.
I like to change my perfume in Winter too, opting for a zestier scent. In Winter I like a minimal dab of Diesel Fule For Life, in Summer I opt for a generous spritz of Amore Amore - I love the grapefruitty tones.
:) Enjoy have fun in the Sun and remember - cover up or slap on the sun screen!
I have to say it ... I'm gonna say it ... There is SUN!!! How depressing has this LOOOONG Winter been? I feel like it has been forever. Still the sun is out now, I have repainted my toes - in Vintage Blue OF COURSE and got out my oh so comfy, and just a bit cute Sandals. I have even donned my lightweight Summer palazzo's I know! Amazing!
A couple of things have changed since my last post - which was like a million years ago. First off I have gone red, not auburn or ginger, or in fact subtle in any shape or form, but RED. I love it! I always seem to be drawn to black in Winter and Red in summer. Although I was 'natural' for all Winter because my hair had just gone to total frizz so I thought I should give it a break, and it has thanked me for it by being bounteous in red curls!
I am now in the 'Wholesome' stage of my Make-up year. Gone is the flawless perfectly based skin, so are the dark liner swept eyes and sultry black cherry lips of Winter to be replaced with a lighter and more natural look for Summer. I am a larger lady and I tend to 'perspire' and ladies, let me tell you - there is NOTHING that makes you feel less sexy than mopping your brow, looking in the mirror and realising you have a stripe of your natural skin tone across your otherwise perfectly based forehead ... yeah not good! So I find embracing my natural skin in the sun is the way to go. However this is not as laissez-faire as it sounds ... it takes WORK people and this is how it happens.
So usually I start around start of March, but this year I bumped it to April because of the hideousness that was the weather. So this year the first of April I started my prep. For my face I use Sanctuary Hot Cloth Cleanser. I do it two times each time I use it, and I don't use the cloth they give you, I use a thick fluffy flannel which stay hotter for longer. I do that twice a week until I start wearing no make-up, I then do it 3 times a week, in the shower is fine. On my body I use my Botanics body brush, which is a lovely size, in upwards strokes to buff the skin, I try to do this every day but it is usually every other day. I then use Boots shea butter mousse , it is very very light, but gives a lovely soft finish to your skin. I finish it off with a quick squizz with a body balm, my favourite is Spa Paradisa Passionfruit Body Balm, it has a bit of luminous sheen action going on which I love.
When it comes to going bare faced, you have to be honest with yourself. This starts with taking a real good look at your skin. I have some eczema on my forehead which annoys me greatly, it clears up on its own usually about the 3rd week of good sunny weather but it still bugs the heck out of me as it leaves a red patch. Of course wearing make-up makes it a whole lot worse, but there you go! So I start with this. I rub a small amount of Raw coconut oil on the eczema (this works for all dry skin). I do this at night before I go to bed. You need a teeny tiny bit because it goes a long way, it clears it up and keeps it gone within about a week. For any tone changes, so that is redness for me, under my chin and on my forehead and nose, I use a little bio oil morning and night. On top of that I use a blob of PF40 (I don't tan, I redden!) mixed with Botanics oil free moisturiser, this is so silky and smooth and glides on beautifully, it sinks in really quickly too. This moisturiser is great to prevents spots - I have quite prone skin - but if your skin is dry I wouldn't really recommend it on its own as it's not that moisturising. As part of this routine it works fabulously though even on dry skin. So that is 'maintenance' I do that every day throughout Summer and it makes my skin clear, even and beautiful - why don't I do it in Winter? Erm because I can get away with not lol! I really like pampering myself in Summer, in Winter it feels more of a chore.
After I have done 'the basics' I move on to the scant make-up I wear in Summer. I still pay attention to my brows which is detailed in an earlier post. I like a good quality Waterproof Mascara, I like Rimmel Waterproof elongated lashes Mascara as it is a good deep colour whilst not being claggy which is a tricky ask from a waterproof .
I have a little discolouration on my eyelids which bothers me so a minimise this with a teeny blob of Rimmel perfect match concealer mixed with a tiny blob of moisturiser.I dab it on my eyelids and blend with my finger until it disappears. it is barely there but it is just enough to take down the slight browning on my eyelids. I dab on a little bit of No 7 Gel blush in Rose to the apple of my cheeks and add a slick of Carmex Pearl lip balm to add a bit of pale shimmer. To ramp it up a bit, all I do is add a sweep of Ruby and Milly peacock green shimmer eye shadow to my top and lower lids and add another couple of coats of Mascara.
I like to change my perfume in Winter too, opting for a zestier scent. In Winter I like a minimal dab of Diesel Fule For Life, in Summer I opt for a generous spritz of Amore Amore - I love the grapefruitty tones.
:) Enjoy have fun in the Sun and remember - cover up or slap on the sun screen!
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Lets Talk Eyebrows ...
I am, I have to say an eyebrow pencil lover. I have tried with eyebrow powders, mascara for brows, liquid brow liners (ooof let's not even go there) And I always go back to the same thing Hazel eyebrow pencil by Rimmel. Fairly basic, available pretty much everywhere. It is the one thing I HAVE to do everyday. It makes me feel 'made up' I can wear a teeny bit of mascara and nothing else - no base, nothing - as long as I have my eyebrows beautifully shaped I feel like I can face the day lol.
I have discovered a couple of basics I would like to share ... you HAVE to have it sharp. Also ignore anyone who tells you to 'draw on tiny hairs' YEAH RIGHT like that is going to happen! I start half way up the first part of my brow and using a very light pressure just run the pencil along the brow until it is the density of colour I want ... I usually aim for a nice deep shade, it is quite a pale pencil so I can go over a few times before I look too 'mad cat woman' XD Once I've done that bit I do the first section of my brow (the bit by my nose) I go over the actual brow hairs first, then I decide what shape I want that day and either taper them or square them off (in this pic they are tapered) once I'm happy with that I create the arch and the down stroke, I make them an even colour all over and then set them with a little loose powder - really a teeny teeny bit patted on with my ring finger and then lightly brushed off with an eyebrow brush (make sure you brush upwards)
I am hoping at some point I will manage to find a way of making my eyeliner even! Any tips would be greatly received :)
I am, I have to say an eyebrow pencil lover. I have tried with eyebrow powders, mascara for brows, liquid brow liners (ooof let's not even go there) And I always go back to the same thing Hazel eyebrow pencil by Rimmel. Fairly basic, available pretty much everywhere. It is the one thing I HAVE to do everyday. It makes me feel 'made up' I can wear a teeny bit of mascara and nothing else - no base, nothing - as long as I have my eyebrows beautifully shaped I feel like I can face the day lol.
I have discovered a couple of basics I would like to share ... you HAVE to have it sharp. Also ignore anyone who tells you to 'draw on tiny hairs' YEAH RIGHT like that is going to happen! I start half way up the first part of my brow and using a very light pressure just run the pencil along the brow until it is the density of colour I want ... I usually aim for a nice deep shade, it is quite a pale pencil so I can go over a few times before I look too 'mad cat woman' XD Once I've done that bit I do the first section of my brow (the bit by my nose) I go over the actual brow hairs first, then I decide what shape I want that day and either taper them or square them off (in this pic they are tapered) once I'm happy with that I create the arch and the down stroke, I make them an even colour all over and then set them with a little loose powder - really a teeny teeny bit patted on with my ring finger and then lightly brushed off with an eyebrow brush (make sure you brush upwards)
I am hoping at some point I will manage to find a way of making my eyeliner even! Any tips would be greatly received :)
I'm the one with 2 legs, not 4 - that is Freya.
I love this dress. It was a basic summer dress. I added some net and removed the straps to make a lush prom dress with a really interesting pattern. I love this felt rose, it was made HUGE, given a hot wash and dried in the dryer - it made a lovely tight little rose, it is attached to a basic hairdressers clip.
I finished the outfit with a pair of deep purple skinny jeans, an amethyst and black pearl cross and a pair of iron cross Converses ... see a bit of everything and all me!
Hi, Welcome to my saucily fabulous Blog!
I am a big girl and I am beautiful. I have my own distinctive style, a bit Vintage - but not really, a bit Rockabilly -but not really, a bit grunge - but not really ... Meh, best just show you!
I will also be posting some of my hand made gorgeously sexy hair wear ... so watch this space!
I am a big girl and I am beautiful. I have my own distinctive style, a bit Vintage - but not really, a bit Rockabilly -but not really, a bit grunge - but not really ... Meh, best just show you!
I will also be posting some of my hand made gorgeously sexy hair wear ... so watch this space!
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